Boyfriend: (cautious) Honey, what's wrong?
Me: Everything
Boyfriend: (gives quizzical eyebrow raise, there's a quick glimmer of amusement but he's smart enough after five years to shove the amusement away and try to seem serious)
Me: I can't find a job, I have $9.00 in my bank account, I owe over $2,000 in medical bills and I'm just really pissed right now (through sobs of course)
Boyfriend: It'll be alright..we'll get it taken care of. We aren't completely broke and the bills will get paid. (gives the "come on it's not the end of the world look")
Me: (annoyed that he doesn't see that it is in fact the end of the world, at least in my current hormonal state of mind) I can't paint anymore, I can't even take a decent picture...I'm not good at anything anymore. (he still doesn't look like he gets it so I throw out my biggest grievance) My ass won't even fit in my jeans! (huge sob ensues)
Boyfriend: (treading lightly and suppressing laughter) Honey, you're wearing your jeans right now..They look fine.
Me: (through choked sobs, I'm now doing the half-hyperventilation thing) It's because I'm laying down. When I sit up my butt overflows (huge sobs)
A new day's perspective:
Okay, so maybe it isn't really the end of the world. I should know, I've been in way worse circumstances in the last 9 months.
The bills can wait, it's not like they are going to come to life and stab me in my sleep! My ass really isn't that big (I still wear a size 5, but I still swear that it seems to be more plump than it was last week). I have a rather promising lead on a job that will hopefully pan out
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